Q3 2022 4Day Movement Newsletter: A Peek into the P.O.R.T.A.L.
You’ve probably been hearing certain people talking about the 4Day Movement, Inc.’s P.O.R.T.A.L., a vision from our Founder and CEO, DJ Coles. We are thankful for the vision and we need YOUR help bringing it to fruition. This is not a “want” but a “need” for our community. We invite you to learn more about this divine project by clicking on the “PORTAL” tab above. You will be able to watch a video tour of the facility!
We are also grateful for the collaboration with WCC who has been providing empowerment classes for our clients. Every good step is a step forward!
You are invited to read this issue of the newsletter so that you can see the work that goes on behind the scenes. You are welcome to signup for future newsletters and other updates so that we can send them to your inbox. Click here to do so: https://www.4daymovement.com/signup-lp
YOUR support and prayers make the following possible. Thank YOU!